Lillian Too's Master Consultants Course - Class of 2007
The Feng Shui Master Consultants course, Class of 2007, held in July recently saw eight students graduate with distinction, with Queenie Fong from Kuantan, Malaysia attaining the highest score. The pass rate this year was 100% and Lillian commented during her closing address on graduation night that she was thrilled at this group's exceptionally high standard of understanding of feng shui, both theoretical and practical, and also the preciseness with which the four hour long exam paper was written. All the students were awarded a Certificate of Practice from the LILLIAN TOO INSTITUTE OF FENG SHUI.
Lillian Too's MCC is conducted once a year with limited intake. This is an advanced course in Feng Shui which is open only to graduates of the Master Practitioner's Course.(MPC). The course is very hands-on with Lillian using a combination of lectures, site visits and case discussions based on the Harvard Business School method of teaching. The teaching method enables students to practice the input/output method of learning and this helps students appreciate more complex and challenging situations encountered in the course of undertaking a feng shui consulting assignment. The Course covers practical ways of using and fine-tuning additional methods not offered in the MPC or any of her books.
Only a maximum of 24 places are available for each intake and this is to ensure that Lillian can pay close personal attention to her students. It also makes it easier to offer optimum coverage of course work and case discussion materials. At the end of the course, students sit for a four-hour paper which test their knowledge and practice to a high level of proficiency. The examination includes a challenging on-site investigation.
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