Feng Shui Experts in The Making

Group Photo of MPC July 2009
Lillian Too conducted two back-to-back courses in July 2009. The first week saw a varied group of 22 students from Australia, Cyprus, UAE, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia and USA fly in to attend her Master Practitioners Course in Feng Shui. This MPC course is usually held just 3 times a year and this is the second this year. Participants of the class commented that they particularly loved the intimacy of the group.
Said Lisa Ho of Australia, "This course has been very informative and yet fun! I liked the direct and personal approach with Lillian, it is a blessing to meet and be taught by her!" Lisa also commented on the comfortable atmosphere and the excellent assisting staff.
Jean Yu-Chua of the Philippines attended after her brother, Johnson Chua, himself an MPC graduate, urged her to come. She completed the week inspired and invigorated. Said Jean, "This course helped to open my mind to be more focused on the feng shui environment. I’m so happy to have had a very wonderful opportunity to attend this course and to feel a real part of World of Feng Shui. She inspires me a lot. I think this was possibly the best investment I have made in my life!"
Mari Kobayshi of Japan, a beautiful and chic fashion designer from Tokyo commented that while she could not understand everything 100% - "because my English is not 100%" – she found the 6 days remarkable, fabulous and wonderful. Says Mari, "I would like to take advantage of this precious knowledge I have gained in my designing career, by introducing the concepts to my design work." She is humble about her English – she speaks it way way better than any of us would ever hope to speak Japanese!!!
The week flew by, with Lillian slowly unfolding a new concept each day. Lectures took up the morning sessions, while site visits followed by discussion and revision occupied most of the afternoons. The week culminated in a case study competition, where students were separated into small groups of 4, where they were presented a feng shui case study – similar to what they would face in real life in a feng shui consultation situation. All the groups handed in impressive solutions and suggestions, but winners had to be picked (although the other groups came close!)
MPC Group Case Study Competition Results July 2009 as follows: :
1st Prize - Group B
Wenge Wang, Sofana,Bernandina E Mangrobang & Jean Yu-Chua
2nd Prize - Group D
Jennie Tan, Hiroyasu Ikegami & Mari Kobayashi

3rd Prize - Group G
Hilda Torres Gonzalez, Roxana Sandrea & Claudia Natalucci

Group Photo of MCC July 2009
The Master Consultants Course in Advanced Feng Shui followed, with students from Australia, Japan, Italy, Singapore, Mauritius, Philippines, Spain, Norway, Russia and Shanghai attending. This course is tailored for those who already have a firm grounding in basic feng shui, open only to those who have successfully completed Lillian Too’s MPC course. This course is both rigorous and challenging, filled with plenty of case studies, examples, class discussion and practical work. The students came well prepared with every intention to soak up as much knowledge in the week as possible! The week ended with an exam where those who pass receive a Certificate of Practice from the Lillian Too Institute of Feng Shui. Happily, everyone in the group passed, with Mr Philip Lim of Singapore receiving the special prize for Top Scorer.
Both weeks culminated in a sumptuous dinner complete with good food, good wine and plenty of karaoke! The MCC graduation dinner group was lucky to have Akemi as their classmate – she is a professional singer and celebrity in her native Japan, and gave a moving acappella rendition of a Japanese classic, which met with rapturous applause at the end. This particular MCC group were also incredibly lucky, as timing was such that Khadrola, a "Dakini" recognized by HH the Dalai Lama was in town to visit Lillian the very same week, so on the Saturday after the course ended, all the students were invited to a special brunch to meet this special "living Goddess". Read more about Khadrola in the upcoming FENG SHUI WORLD magazine – Sept/Oct 2009 issue. To subscribe to Feng Shui World, click here.