Lillian Too’s Master Practitioners Course (MPC) Enters Its 10th Year!

Group Photo of MPC May 2010
Lillian Too’s MPC in Feng Shui enters its 10th year in 2010. This tri-annual course is very popular with many students flying in from all over the world. The recent course saw 51 students from 20 countries, including the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Korea, Japan, UAE, Canada, Australia, Macedonia, Mexico, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Apart from daily lectures from Lillian, tutorials were also given in the morning after, to ensure proper comprehension of the material. Students were also brought on site visits so they have a chance to put in practice what they have learnt the day before. On the 5th day, students are separated into groups to work on a comprehensive Feng Shui analysis of a new house. It was because of the effective teaching method that this class ended up with 2 groups in a tie for 1st and 2nd best analysis.
MPC Group Case Study Competition Results May 2010 as follows:

1st Prize - Group D & Group H
Jalane Tan, Juanita Tan, Keiko Sayama, Kiyomi Takai, Son Hui-Yates,
Stacey Hand, Ayako Nakano, Chistyakov Alexandra, Chistyakov Nikolay, Neelambari, Priya Rajagopalan, Satoko Takanami, Tan N.T.

2nd Prize – Group C & Group E
Andrew Low, John Koh, Jyoti Arora, Martin Musil, Tina Tran,
Zuzana Kurova, Eline Tee, Grizel S. Co, Jeaneve Revilla Chong,
Marie-Claire, Mirtala Bazan, Noriyuki Kanayama
This was the first time learning Feng Shui for many of the students who came, armed with only the most fundamental knowledge gained from reading her books.
Feedbacks from Students:
Maria Kristina Munoz-Ramirez, Philippines
I am very happy that finally I got to know the important things and formulas about Feng Shui and I’m very thankful that I got to know these things from a very special teacher who is also my “ally”. I will try my very best to practice and apply all the things that I’ve learned andmaybe somehow I would be able to help lots of people. |
Mirtala Bazan, USA
I like the interaction with so many cultures and also how easy Lillian makes feng shui! I believe this course is extremely crucial to the practice of Feng Shui, as there are many important formulas that need to be explained in person by Lillian! |
Julijana Daskalor, Macedonia
This course has been wonderful, busy with a great amount of sharing of information and knowledge. Lillian really opened our eyes! The MPC is like being back at school. What you hear in the classroom, you need time to refer back to the books and to study hard, and then it all clicks and it becomes so simple! Thank you World of Feng Shui (WOFS) for everything! |
Melissa Mace, Australia
This course has been an amazing wealth of knowledge! I’ve learnt all the aspects of feng shui and how they all come together – very inspiring! Lillian is a Brilliant Teacher – we enjoyed all her knowledge and her amazing stories very much! Revision sessions were very helpful. Loved it! Loved it!! |
Tan Ngiap Teck, Singapore
I enjoyed Lillian’s lectures very much because she has not only enhanced my feng shui knowledge, but also shown me a better way of handling my life. She is very generous and kind. She really teaches with all her heart. The revision and test sections each day helped me to understand everything better after each one of Lillian’s lectures. I really appreciate Lillian and her team for planning and executing a good course for us. I really enjoyed and learnt a lot from it. It is above my expectation; I like her “Blue Ocean” approach in her business and personal life. I also very appreciate the patience from Stanley. He is such a great guy helping us in understanding more from Lillian’s lectures. Thank you! |
Vivian Ling, Singapore
I like the subjects taught in the class, very interesting and amazing information!
I love Lillian’s way of teaching and presenting the subject. It is so simplified for us to understand. This is the fundamental basis of feng shui which everyone has to have before doing anything. Lillian is superb. Her approach is realistic, and at the same time flexible and creative. I am most interested in the spiritual side to feng shui and would very much like to see more of that incorporated in the lectures/lessons. Last of all, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to Lillian Too for sharing and teaching me so much in just a week’s course. I will be back for more! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Lillian and also Thank You Stanley and everyone here. I truly enjoyed myself throughout the course. |
Priya Rajagopalan, India
The MPC has been an extremely great experience! The structure has been laid out extremely well. Would love to come back for the MCC. The staff have also been so helpful, making us feel very comfortable. Look forward to coming back. |
Elizabeth Evans, Australia
Lillian is a shining light and I pray she is given the energy to continue for a long time. Every day I have given thanks for this amazing opportunity. I feel that as long as this course operates, it will continue to be a meeting place for like-minded people who find their energies attaching to this knowledge. To see how amazing this universal energy is, I have met a lady who lives close by to me and we want to take this knowledge to people in underprivileged areas to help their self-empowerment. We had to fly to Malaysia to meet. It has been an honour and a privilege to be here. |
John Koh, Singapore
I like Master Lillian’s style in class and her sharing of her experience with us. Her approach is very good. I was a previous trainer myself. Her teaching is browse the Feng shui books prior to the course. In the course, Master Lillian’s style of “Back to Basics” is very good because later if we go through the books we have a much more thorough understanding. Next is the enhancement of the knowledge with practical exposure. Not even a slightest regret attending this course. Master Lillian’s course is very unique in the teaching of Feng Shui. I was interested in horoscopes in my younger days (I am 57 now) and later on in feng shui. Lillian’s course (MPC) and the Luo Pan is unique in their kind; other courses offered by other people just don’t compare. I have retired from the working scene two years ago at 55 (while our retirement age is 62 nationally). I have the intention to go into something which can help myself as well as others. I am a catholic and all the while I believe and understood that Feng Shui is not a religious as believed by some people. |
Trang Nguyen, USA
I like the motivation I received and anything is possible to achieve if I do it with the right intentions. I believe everything has its own energy. The practice of feng shui is important because I learned how to use energies to enhance my life and loved ones. Lillian approaches this subject with passion, positive outcomes, and enthusiasm. |
Junger Sophie, France
I love the energy of Lillian Too! It is impossible to say that you are a feng shui consultant if you have never taken this course or met Lillian Too. She is a true Master for me and it is an honour to be with her. I thank Lillian Too a lot and wish her and her family the very best. |
Jeaneve R.Chong, Philippines
I love all the things that I learn everyday in the class. This course is very crucial to me because I just started to learn more and to go deeper in Feng Shui. Lillian Too is very humarious; she’s very funny delivering her jokes. My compassion leads the way to study and understand Feng Shui. I was very impressed with Lillian Too. She speaks fluently that you can easily understand her teaching. In this class I have learned more and I find a very strong motivation in bringing this knowledge to people in order to improve their lives. If you persist you’ll see positive result but don’t lose heart in doing good. |
Grizel S.Co, Philippines
Lillian makes the subject easy to understand and her stories and words of advice inspire you to be the best you can in whatever you pursue. Lillian is a very good teacher and speaker; never a boring moment! She can also be a very effective life coach! |
Angelita Reyes, Switzerland
I like everything about the class, the rooms, the lectures, the snacks. With diligent practice and review at home, this course is good enough to practice thorough and effective feng shui. The whole course is so well done. I have learnt so many things. The presentations and lectures are very good. The pamphlets are a great help. It has been a wonderful and successful time for me. |
Elena Dordjievq, Russia
This has been a very powerful course. Lillian’s teachings are clear and easy to understand. She makes everything so interesting, relating actual experiences and I think it really works! Best wishes and thanks a lot to Lillian Too and all her team for doing this wonderful job!! |
Andrew Low, Singapore
Lillian is a first class trainer. The pace she went through the teaching was fast but good. One just needs to listen to absorb information from her. |
Noriyuki Kandyama, Japan
I’ve gained knowledge, tips and secrets which are not found in the books. This course gave me a rational way to understand feng shui. I’m really impressed and amazed the way Lillian taught us. So passionate and energetic! Superb!! I got so much energy from her. Thank You!! |