The Empress of Optimism
Vision KL
February 2007
Feng Shui legend tells what she loves about KL.
Lillian Too is a rare breed of KL-ite: feisty and filled with conviction, driven by success and equally by compassion, fervently proud of her home and equally of her international identity. " I have my international friends come to KL and they love it, simply love it and I say it's true; what's there not to love? I mean I'm so blessed to be supported to succeed as I have and I thank Malaysia by being the open and fostering society it is for that success," she says drawing circles in the air with her expressive gestures.
And what success it is. As a world renowned Feng Shui expert, Too is a global success creating a small empire of books, CDs, websites and a host of other material that have made her name synonymous with predictions and good fortune (see Lillian's CNY predictions), all tucked under her Harvard MBA arm and Buddhist wink that declare to all that she meets this is a woman on a serious, serious mission.
After her sold-out Feng Shui extravaganza in KL Convention Center and before her one in S'pore, we caught up with the irrepressible Too and asked her our 'City Zen' questions, illuminating how this KL-ite sees life and love in our capital.
What's your favourite thing about KL?
"Oh, I love that you can get anything you want, I can have some food at one in the morning, can have any kind of lifestyle I choose, you can be casual or elegant; we're not a city that stands on ceremony. I can pop into anybody's home without calling and that's really nice, we're a lucky city that way. You can shop practically anytime you want!"
What would you change about KL?
"I hate the negativity, the constant criticism by the media, the fixation on tragedy. You know we should be saying good things, positive news, not always dwelling on the negative. I'm sick of all the terrible news, c'mon, there are good stories too. That doesn't mean don't be critical, just don't always criticize, there's a difference. We should be braver, more courageous to see the good in people and in life. But not syrup either, that's equally bad!"
If KL were a colour, what would it be?
"Easy: green! This place is all about growth, about rain and about life, I love that about KL."
KL wouldn't be the same without its .....
"Its gossip (she laughs loudly)! I love it, we KL-ites all know everything, we can see both sides and we love the drama!" |
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