Lady Luck
Although she admits knowing next to nothing
about building a Web site for electronic commerce, feng
shui pundit Lillian Too respects the marketing power that
the Internet offers. This came about after she saw sales
of her books and registration of her feng shui courses
rising beyond expectations through www.wofs.com, a site
built by her daughter, Jennifer.
to Your Advantage
Put a wind chime in the east side of your house
this year to ward off illness, and put a picture of a
mountain or have a mountain at the back of your work area
or bed to give you support in all you do. Sounds like
pure superstition, yet this is the kind of advice you
would expect a feng shui master to give in a house appraisal.
What is odd is, in this day and age of self-empowerment
and scepticism of all things supernatural or unseen, feng
shui is one of the fastest growing areas of interest in
the world.
Too Minds
The omens were not good from the moment I arrived
at Lillian Too's house in Bukit Pantai, her two dogs barked
non-stop, so much so that even the feng shui master herself
had difficulty keeping them in line.
It is said that dogs are good at sensing a person's (evil)
intentions. What if Too believes in this? What if it's
bad feng shui ? Will she send me away without an interview?
Love with the Right Elements
Internationally acclaimed feng shui expert Lillian
Too is the world's most prolific author on this subject.
Her 45 books have sold nearly six million copies and her
courses and lectures are inevitably sold out. She is the
first Asian woman to run a bank, Grindlays Dao Heng that
was then Hong Kong's sixth largest bank. An MBA from Harvard
University, she is now enjoying the fruits of her success.
Her answers to questions on love, romance and marriage
are jotted down by KEE HUA CHEE.
the Matter of Money
Lillian Too is Malaysia's highest profile feng
shui expert with her 45 books having sold nearly 6 million
copies. Today, she is internationally recognised as the
master of the esoteric science of the way of wind and
Her glittering career peaked when she became the first
woman in Asia to run a bank, the Grindlays Dao Heng Bank,
then the sixth largest local bank in Hong Kong. If this
Harvard MBA graduate insists her success is due to good
feng shui and its correct application, even corporate
bigwigs sit up and listen.
Home with Lillian Too
Lillian Too, possibly the world's most famous
and prolific writer on feng shui, practises what she preaches,
writes KEE HUA CHEE. Her home in Pantai Hill, Kuala Lumpur
is not only built to the most stringent and favourable
feng shui principles, it also has a veritable temple where
high-ranking Tibetan lamas stay when in town!
That Red Wallet
When feng shui queen Lillian Too says money, money;
it's easy, honey, when you know how... pay attention.
This is a woman who rearranged her furniture, redesigned
her house and her life. And made money. "It's easy really,
you just have to create the right chi." says the banker-turned-geomancy
Too - The Feng Shui lady
Stepping into Lillian Too's house in Bukit Pantai,
you can't help but feel a sense of relaxation and peace.
There is a central courtyard and fountain right in the
middle of her main hall. In her Chinese garden outside,
there is a six-tiered Feng Shui fountain, which symbolizes
good luck. This youthful and vivacious fifty-five year
old Feng Shui practitioner and author has turned her home
into a true sanctuary from the hectic world outside.
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