The Art of Feng Shui
Manila Standard Today,
Tuesday 14th January 2006
By Rowell B. Capuz
More and more people are getting into the feng shui craze. And why not? The promise of luck—in health, career, money, and love—is just too good to pass up. But feng shui is more than that, according to Lillian Too, probably the most celebrated feng shui expert the world over. She has authored more than 80 books on the subject, including Fortune and Feng Shui 2006—a complete guide to the Year of the Fire Dog.
What is feng shui?
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art—which has been practiced in China since the Tang Dynasty—of manipulating and arranging your surroundings to attract positive life energy, or chi, so that it flows smoothly, unblocking any obstructions in your body and environment. Feng shui evolved from the theory that people are affected for better or worse by their surroundings. It can also be activated to improve wealth, children’s luck, acquisition of knowledge (for examinations), recognition (elevations in rank and promotions), and fame.
Yang Yun Sang, the most ancient master in this art, is universally acknowledged as the Founder of feng shui. Master Yang left a legacy of classic that have been preserved and continuously studied to this day. He was the principal advisor of the court of the Emperor Hi Tsang (A.D. 888), and his books on feng shui made up the major texts on which succeeding generations of practitioners based their art.
“Feng shui always improves your living and work condition. But it is not a magic cure-all for your problems. Remember that feng shui represents only one third of the trinity of luck. If you are not fated to become a big tycoon, feng shui may make you rich, but not seriously wealthy,” Too explains. “That depends on your heaven luck. And if your home enjoys good feng shui, you will find yourself becoming more busy. You will be presented with opportunities to enhance your life or improve your income. You must create your own mankind luck by seizing these opportunities and accepting your good fortune.”
The feng shui expert
Too is one of the world’s leading exponents of feng shui. But who would have thought that with her in-depth knowledge on this ancient Chinese art, Too started her career in the corporate world?
Having an MBA from the Harvard Business School in the US, she climbed the corporate ladder to become the first woman in Malaysia to head a public listed company. In 1982, she became the first woman in Asia to be appointed CEO of a bank. From then on, Too worked with top honchos like Dickson Poon and led his group of companies as executive deputy chairman.
While her achievements in the competitive commercial world of Hong Kong and Malaysia have been much applauded, she says that her incredible luck in career and business activities came from her in-depth knowledge of feng shui, which she has been applying to every aspect of her life. Her books on the subject are bestsellers all over the world and has been translated to over 30 languages.
Retired from a lucrative career in the banking and corporate world, Too is a living proof that feng shui really works. Now, she is the chairman of WOFS.com, a feng shui merchandising and franchise company, and the Lillian Too Certified Consultants Institute, which runs correspondence courses and certification programs in feng shui. ”
You can have good feng shui even if you only practice the (form school) basics. You will also be able to avoid being hit by bad feng shui,” she explains. “I always advise my friends to take things one step at a time. Go slowly because it is better to get the basics correct first before trying to apply everything all at once. Besides it is never possible to get feng shui 100 percent right!”
Feng shui extravaganza
For the first time, Too, who counts among her friends local tycoons Nedy Tantoco, John Gokongwei, and Henry Sy, will be bringing her expertise to the Philippines as she holds the annual Feng Shui Extravaganza at the Westin Philippines Plaza, Harbor Garden Tent, CCP Complex tomorrow, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the second level of the Podium in Ortigas Center.
The World Of Feng Shui (Phils.) recently held a press conference on the announcing the arrival of Too. Marites Allen, president and CEO of the WOFS Philippine franchise, was on hand to give media a small teaser of what the event will feature. Allen gave general information on what to expect when the feng shui expert reveals her forecasts for the Year of the Fire Dog. She also discussed the basics of feng shui practice as well as the lucky elements and directions for specific industries.
“The year 2006 brings new opportunities for some, but misfortune for others. Depending on your astrological sign and your personal Paht Chee chart, the coming year can bring wealth, fortune, and good luck or obstacles, difficulties, and problems. But knowing what lies ahead of you gives you the advantage of foresight,” says Too.
For inquiries on Lillian Too’s Feng Shui Extravaganza, call 910-6000, 911-5555 (Ticketnet), or 891-9999 (Ticketworld). You may also register at www.wofs.com.
For more information log on to www.lillian-too.com.
Lillian's Extravaganza road show will also be reprised at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton on 5th & 6th March. |
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