Using feng shui to plot stock market's ebb and rise
News Straits Times Business,
Monday, 24th July 2000
By Deborah Loh
A COMPUTER programme using the ancient Chinese art of feng shui (geomancy) to predict stock market movements is being created by feng shui expert Lillian Too.
According to Penang-born Too, the programme, using the "Flying Stat" formula, can be applied to other stock markets and even the performance of specific counters.
"The Flying Star formula is perfect for stock markets as it is time based. dealing with periods, cycles, dates and hours," she said in her Health, Wealth, Harmony and You" at Wisma MCA.
Too said the programme would be completed in about six months.
"So any broker, remisier and stock analyst out there who are interested in helping me test this programme, give me a call," she said to the enthusiastic crowd of 1,300.
Feng shui's credibility has been enchanced by news stories on what experts predict about market performance at the beginning of each year.
In Hong Kong, since 1992, securities firm Credit Lyonnaise Securities Asia has published its yearly Feng Shui Index, a table of predictions for the year's performance of the Hang Seng Index.
Though CLSA has admitted that this is done in a "tongue-in-cheek" spirit, Press reports state that analysts have found its predictions to be spot on.
Market players in Taiwan and Singapore also consult geomancers for predictions, Too said.
"Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore are the richest nations per capita, surpassing the United States, because they practice feng shui," she said.
How does rearranging one's office furniture help predict the stock market? Feng shui is the art if selecting or creating a living or working environment which is in harmony with the self.
On the premise that every space, whether bedroom or office, has good and bad chi or energy, practitioners find that fortune comes their way by enchancing good energy and suppressing bad energy.
Too, who added that she has been consulted by non-Chinese businessmen, said feng shui was neither spiritual nor religious but "is Taoist magic, which is a science".
Pressed by the audience for business tips, she said it was helpful to know the animal year of one's counterpart.
"That way, you can manipulate negotiations by enchancing your own chi while suppressing his."
And of the KLSE?
"Be patient. There will be a danger period in the middle of next year. Make sure you get out of the stock market by April or May next year." |
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