Paris May 1999
Lillian Too in Paris, France, for a Galerie Lafayette book-signing and Figaro interview.
Paris was a huge success. Monsieur Guy Tredaniel, publisher of her books in the French language, organized a hugely successful book-signing at the prestigious Galerie Lafayette in downtown Paris. There Lillian gave her readers and fans not just her signature, but with the help of a kind gentleman who acted as translator (pictured left with Lillian), she was able to answer some of the questions her readers had for her.
The signing went on for four hours, right up until the store losed. I was rather hoping we would ahve time for some shopping, but no such luck - Jennifer, grinning. But the classy Parisiennes were not about to let us go home without showing us some of their Parisienne style. We were treated to glass after glass of champagne and plates of caviar, salmon and escargot! I could do this all the time!
The next day was followed by an in-depth interview with the magazine of Figaro, the newspaper with the lasrgest circulation in Paris. Washed out by the rain, Figaro's photographer could not take the pictures he had wanted to of Lillian in the gardens, but the alternative backdrop for the photos were just as lovely, featuring Lillian with a bunch of flowers in her hands against the l'Hotel Meridien's skylight cafe.
It was nice to see all of Lillian's books in French. Not as alien as some of the other languages you get them in (ie Greek) |
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