The way to celebrate Chinese New Year
23rd January 2001
by Fairos Nazri
Lillian Too, the Malaysian who popularized feng shui tells us what to expect in the Year of the Snake.
The coming Lunar calendar - Year of the Snake - is predicted to be 'not a good year' worldwide. Instead, it will be a year when preserving one's wealth will be very important.
Here are some ways to do this, as suggested by Lillian Too, the Malaysian who popularized feng shui around the world.
- Always wear some gold wherever and whenever you go out.
- Put lots of gold coins inside you rice urn before the end of the old year ends. Place it in a red ang pau, fold it and cover it with the rice urn and carry on to the next year.
- Always leave some old rice inside and never allow the level to fall too low. Ensure it is at least half-full at all times.
Too also says, to guarantee a good new year, one should:
- Buy a pair of orange or lime plants (not too tall) to greet the new year and place them on either side of the doorway.
- Go through all the cupboards and throw away chipped and cracked crockery.
- Buy new bowls and chopsticks, especially those with auspicious and longevity symbols.
- For 2001, get new pots and pans that are red in colour.
- Buy a crystal vase or a pot and place seven types of currencies in it, in particular money from Britain, US, Germany, France, Australia and Malaysia.
- Place auspicious objects around the home.
The following categories of people, caution feng shui masters in Hong Kong, should be extra careful this year.
51-year-old Tiger |
33-year-old Monkey |
42-year-old Pig |
84/24 year-old Snake |
66/6 year-old Pig |
60-year-old Snake |
69-year-old Monkey |
Too advises those concerned to be extra vigilant during the coming year and avoid attending funerals, going to hospital to visit a sick person or driving fast especially while under the influence of alcohol. This is because the warning is health related.
To welcome the Chinese New Year, Too suggests the following measures.
Day One - At 1am, say some prayers or chant. In the morning, take the first step outside the house, face West and then walk out three steps. Do not wear black on New Year's day. Instead, wear something yellow or red that is new. Eat plenty of sweets. Don't break anything. If something is broken, don't sweep it out. Place it in a plastic bag for three days before throwing it away. Do not quarrel with anyone or wash clothes. Don't use any scissors, knife or needles on that day.
Day Two - This is the day to visit your in-laws and relatives. The son-in-law must present his father-in-law with a pair of shoes or any other gift. Next, get a young boy below the age of seven to purchase a God of Wealth. If you buy a new dragon decoration, dot the two eyes of the dragon, so that it is not 'asleep'.
Day Three - Stay at home and pray. Don't travel and don't open your office on the third day. Close it.
Day Four - Open your office. It is a good day to work or organize a new year party. If you don't intend to work, just open the office for three hours. It is also auspicious to organize a Lion Dance on the fourth day of Chinese New Year. Request the 'lion' to roll baskets of oranges into the house or office.
Day Five - Last day to avoid quarrelling with anyone.
Day Seven - Good day to open the office.
Day 15 - Chap Goh Meh. Turn on all the lights in the house and place lanterns around the house.
Business fortunes for the Year of the Snake
Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Like all lunar years, the Year of the Snake would not be complete without predictions. Lillian Too, the woman who popularized feng shui, says that the coming lunar year, the outlook worldwide is not very good. "But this does not mean that individuals will face bad luck too," she told participants at a recent seminar on feng shui held here recently. "I'm saying this in reference to the direction of the compass, therefore you must have a good compass which is not easily affected by magnetic activities." Buy a compass to determine where the four main directions lie. Holding the compass, stand in front of the main door of the house and look out. She adds, this is called 'facing direction.' She also outlines predictions for the Year of the Snake which are based on a consensus among fortune tellers, astrological calculations and Si Fu (masters) in Hong Kong. "I have to emphasise that these are not my predictions but I'm sharing what I've checked and researched." Too stresses. The general predictions are: · Very dramatic political changes worldwide. Change of governments, very sudden shift of power, a lot of upheaval which will have an effect on business sentiment and economic outlook. · By the end of the year, the stock market will soar (during the last two months of the year), but for rest of the year, conditions will not be very good. · There might be a banking and energy crisis or both, in relation to the price of oil and the unstable stock markets. · The Wall Street and Nasdaq in United States will go down, while the outlook for finance and bank stocks are bad. However, funds will flow to Europe. · There might be a threat of war arising in the Middle East. On the local front, Too says the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) is expected to fall continuously and will face low prices, low volume and low liquidity. "There may not be much foreign funds coming into this country and Malaysia will be affected by the global slowdown," she adds. In addition, she summarized the luck of different businesses in Malaysia (for Lunar calendar 2001) based on her research from various sources. She also quoted the Si Fu (masters) from Hong Kong:
* Gold Business
Banking, money, stock market, construction, steel, motor vehicles, mining and all gold related businesses will have cash-flow problems, obstacles and an unstable market. "Its not good year for these businesses. "So, do this. If your front door faces the South-west corner of your house, building or apartment, shut the door for one year, don't use it at all and switch off the lights there. "Then hang six rods of wind chimes (it must be heavy and made of metal) in that corner and don't let anyone use that door. During the year, good luck will come from the West." To activate or hang something in the South corner, stand in the centre of the house (with the compass) and see the direction. Too also suggests buying or building a huge money tree and placing it in the North-west or West corner of the house as well as to hang gold coins on it with gold or red threads.
* Wood Business
Businesses involving timber, furniture, publishing, printing, education, textiles and anything related to wood and paper will suffer a shortage of cash and experience manufacturing difficulties. "Hang a wind chime with six heavy metal rods in both the North-west and South-west corners. "Don't hang it on top of the head, but by the side. It must not be too high, and must have big coins on it."
* Earth Business
This business comprises anything to do with property, real estate, construction and contracting. It will be quite good. Too advises those in these businesses, to avoid taking big risks and operate on a low key. "Buy property towards the second half of the year and don't forget to hang six metal rods of wind chimes and place lots of gold items in the South-west corner," she says.
* Fire Business
The restaurant and energy business will enjoy a good year. The West is where the bulk of good luck is coming from. Place gold coins tied with gold ribbons directly to the West.
* Water Business
Pubs, beverages, coffee shops, fishing and tourism businesses will face a difficult year. "These businesses will experience cash flow problems and unexpected setbacks. "They will face a difficult outlook in the Year of the Snake," Too adds. |